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vi. P R E F A C E.
dition printed m Coarfe Paper; but . the Sub jell
is fo Comprehenfive and Important, fo well ma¬
naged, and the Book has been fo well received^
that it now appears in the World more embeUijhed^
as well as better torrefied than formerly.
Let it fuffice, to recommend it to thofe, who
lave a right Tafte of genuine Chriftianity, that
all the Author's Notions flow fo direfilyfrom the
. (acred Fountain, that it is to he doubted^ if he
has had much Kecourfe to any other Helps than his
Bible and his God, for Affiflance. Mean time^
I am aware of an Exception, from thefe who
rank themfelves among the Polite Part of Man-
kind, as that there is the fame harfh Pecufiarity
. cf Dialefi in it, .which is commonly to be found
m Booh o/Traftical Divinity. But I beg leave
to obferve, That the Dial eft they except againfi,
is borrowed from (acred Scripture : And like as,
it has pleafed God, by the Fooliflineis of
Preaching to (ave them that believe j fo alfo
to countenance what they are difplea fed with, by
the Operations of his Spirit on the Minds of true
. Chriftians, as their common Experience witnefl
feth. Howevr:% I heartily wifh, the Exception
were altogether removed, by fame Perfons digefi-
.ing into a Methodical Treatise, the Views
of Human Nature, in its primitive Perfefti-
. on, in its depraved Condition, and in its
retrived State, who is Mafter of modem Stile,
and throughly underftands the Suhjefis difcowrf
ed in this Book, that by becoming all Things