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T* is a Maxim among wife Men%
that the Knowledge of Perlbns,
is of as great Ufe in the Conduct
of human Life, as the Knowledge
of Things : jlnd it is mofl cer<
tain, that He who knows the va¬
rious Tempers, Humours and Difpofitions of
Men, who can find out their Turn of Thought
and penetrate into the fecret Springs and Prin¬
ciples of their Mings, will not be at a Lofs to
find out proper Means for compaffing his Aims
will eafily preferve himfelf from Snares, and ei¬
ther evite or overcome Difficulties. But the
Knowledge 0/ Human Nature m o r A l l y con-
fidered, or, in other Words, of the Temper and
Difpofition of the Soul in its Mo 10 l Pow¬
ers, is of much greater Value } as it is of Ufey
2» the Concerns of an unchangeable Life and
World: He who is poffeft of fo valuable a
a 2 Branch