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As men from brutes diftinguifh’d are,
A mafon other men excels ;
For what’s in knowledge choice and rare.
But in his breaft fecurely dwells ?
His filent breajl, and faithful heart,
Preferves the fecrets of the art.
From fcorching heat, and piercing cold,
From hearts, whole roar the foreft rends,
From the aflaults of warriors bold,
The mafon’s art mankind defends.
Be to this art due honour paid,
From â– which mankind receives fuch aid.
Enrtgns of ftate that feed our pride,
Diftinftion troublelbme and vain !
By malbns true are laid afide;
Art’s free-born Ions fuch toys difdain.
Ennobled by the name they bear,
Dijiinguijh’d by the badge they wear.
Sweet fellowftiip, from envy free,
Friendly converle of brotherhood,
The lodge’s lafting cement be !
Which has for ages firmly flood,
H ledge thus built for ages pajl,
Has lofted, and will ever laft%
Then in our longs be juftice done,
To thofe who have enrich’d the art,
From Adam to great Leven down,
And let each brother bear a part.
Let our Grand Mafter's health go round.
His praife in every lodge refound.
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