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pies that are difmterefted, and I doubt not but
you will find this room which we have now open¬
ed, and dedicated to MASONRY, conftantly
reforted to by the wife, the faithful, and the good.
Let us confider the intention of our meetings ;
let fubmiflion to your officers, and brotherly love
to each other, be fhewn by your diligent attend¬
ance in the lodge; and be very careful to inquire
into the characters and capacities of thofe who are
defirous to be admitted among you.
Study the constitutions and charges,
and improve in the fifth science, as far as your
abilities and feveral avocations will permit. Have
univerfal benevolence and charity for all mankind ;
and where-ever you meet your neceffitous brethren
difperied, relieve them to the utmoft of your abi¬
lity, remembering, notwitbfhmding, not to do
things that may really prejudice yourlelves or fa¬
“ Let us by well-doing put to filence the ig-
“ norance of foolifh men. As free, hut not u-
“ fing our liberty for a cloak of malicioufnefs, but
“ as the fervants of God.—Honour all men, love
“ the brotherhood, fear God, honour the king.”
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