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regard to be paid to the laws, conftitutions, and
orders of our moft andent and honourable frater¬
nity, and due deference and refpett to the particu¬
lar officers thereof in their refpedive places, whole
bufinels it is to carry them into execution; and I
hope the only contention among you will be a
laudable emulation in cultivating the royal art,
and flxiving to excel each other in every thing
which is great and good. Let us convince the
unbelieving multitude, that no private, fordid, or
lucrative views can ever prevail upon us to admit
into the number of thole who are acquainted with
the knowledge of our myfteries, the unworthy,
the profane, or contentious part of mankind ; but
that we will Hand fall in that liberty with which
God hath blefled uS, and join with one heart attd
one voice, in exduding fuch wolves from our
peaceable fold. In a word, let all of us endea¬
vour, in our relpedive ftations, lb to regulate our
whole conduct, as not to give juft occafion of of¬
fence in any thing. Let us be fubmiftive to fupe-
riorS, courteous and affable to equals, kind and
condelcending to inferiors, and let our whole de¬
portment teftify for us, that we have formed our
lives upon the perfeft model of God’s revealed
will, exhibited to us in the Holy Bible; that this
book is the balls of all our craft, and that it is by
this piece of.divine furniture, lb effential to our
fbciety, we are taught wifdom to contrive, in all
our doings, fuch means as may conduce to his ho-
B b nour.