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i8o A general Charge tq Mafom.
vantages to be reaped, in our fociety, orderly
condufted, than can poffibly be met with in any
other bodies of men, how magnificent foever their
pretenfions may be. For none can be fo amiable
as that which promotes brotherly love, and fixes
that as the grand cement of all our aflions ; to the
performance of which we are "bound by an obliga¬
tion both folemn and awful, and that, entered
into by our own free and deliberate choice ; and
as it is to diredt our lives and adiions, it can ne¬
ver be too often repeated, nor too frequently in¬
A general Charge to MASONS.
Delivered at Chrift-church in Bofton, on the 2 7th
of December, 1749.
By the Rev Charles Brockwell, A. M. his
Majefty’s Chaplain at Bolton, in New England.
f I 'HE principal intention in forming focieties is
undoubtedly the uniting men in the ftridfer
bands of love ; for men confidered as fbcial crea¬
tures, muft derive their happinefs from each other:
every man being defigned by Providence to pro¬
mote the good of others, as he tenders his own
advantage ; and by that intercourfe to fecure their
good offices, by being, as occafion may offer, fer-
viceable unto them.