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An Addrefs made to
be introduced, and a dilTolution will naturally, ve¬
ry quickly, follow.
What therefore remains is to remind the bre¬
thren, that the mafbns have ever been lovers of
order. It is die bufinefs of their particular pro-
feffion to reduce all rude matters to truth. Their
aphorifms recommend it. The number of their
lights, and the declared end of their coming to¬
gether, intimate the frame and difpofition of mind
wherewith they are to meet, and the manner of
their behaviour when aflembled.
Shall it then ever be fid, that thofe who by
choice are diflinguifhed from the grois of mankind,
and who voluntarily have inrolled their names in
this moft ancient and honourable fbciety, are fb
far wanting to themfelves and the order they pro-
fefs, as to negleft its rules ? Shall thofe who are
banded and cemented together, by the ftrifteft
ties of amity, omit the prattice of forbearance and
brotherly love ? or fhall the paflions of thofe per-
fons ever become ungovernable, who affemble pur-
pofely to fubdue them ?
We are, let it be confidered, the fucceflbrs of
thofe who reared a ftrufture to the honour of
almighty God, the grand Architeft of the world,
which for wifdom, flrength, and beauty, hath
never yet had any parallel. We arc intimately re¬
lated to thofe great and worthy fpirits, who have
ever made it their bufmefs and their aim to im¬
prove themfelves, and to inform mankind. Let