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I $2 AEl of the AJJbciate Synod
holding up their right arm bare, with their elbow
upon the Bible, or with the Bible laid before
them,—or having the Bible, as alfo the fquare and
compafles, in fome particular way applied to their
bodies ? and, If among the fecrets which they
were bound by that oath to keep, there was not a
paflage of fcripture read to them, particularly
i Kings vii. 2 1. with or without fome explication
put upon the fame, for being concealed ?
Moreover, the Synod appoint, that the feveral
feffions fhall call before them all perfbns in their
congregations who are of the mafon-craft, and o*
thers whom they may have a particular fufpicion of,
as being invoked in the Mason-oAth, — except
fuch as have been already dealt with, and have given
fatisfaffion upqn that head ; and that, upon their
anfwering the firft of the foregoing queftions in
the affirmative, the feffions fhall proceed to put
the other interrogatories before appointed : As al~
fb, that all perfbns of the mafon-craft, applying for
fealing ordinances, and likewife others concern¬
ing whom there may be any prefumption of their
having been involved in the Mason-oath, fhall be
examined by the miniflers if they have been fb;
and upon their acknowledging the fame, or declining
to anllver whether or not, — the minilters fhall
refer them to be dealt with by the feffions, before
a lmitting them to thefe ordinances: And that all fuch
perfons offering themfelves to the feffions for join¬
ing in covenanting-woik. ffiaU be then examined