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112 The HISTORY of Chap. V.
lign into the hands of the brethren, or whomfoe-
ver they Ihould be pleafed to cleft, all right, claim,
or title whatever, which he or his fucceflbrs have
to reign as grand mafter over the malbns in Scot¬
land-, and recommended to the brethren, to look
out for a nobleman or gentleman, one of the craft
fit to fucceed his noble predecefTors, a man qualified
to patronize and proteft the fociety, and fupport
the charafter of grand mafter with the honour and
dignity becoming that high ftation ; and concluded
with recommending to them unanimity, harmony,
and brotherly love, in all their proceedings there-
The brethren taking into confideration what the
grand mafter had above reprelented, refblved upon
proper rules and regulations, to be oblerved in the
eleftion of a grand mafter againft St Andrew1 z
day next; and that they might not be faid to take
any ftep without the countenance and approbation
of the more diftant lodges, they ordered the fol¬
lowing letter to be wrote to all the lodges through¬
out Scotland, inviting them to appear by themfelves
or proxies, in order to concur in promoting fo lau¬
dable a fcheme.
“ E four lodges in and about Edinburgh,
“ JL having taken to their ferious confidera-
“ tion, the great loft that malbnry has fuftained
“ thro’ the want of a grand mafter, authorifed us