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36 The HISTORY Chap.V.
rubabel, who carried them back to Jerufalem ; the
veflels that were at this time reftored, amounted to
5400, the remainder was brought back by Ezra,
in the reign of Jrtaxerxes Longimanus many years
after. But before the temple was half finilbed,
Cyrus died, which then put a flop to the work,
and afterwards by various artifices of his fuccef-
year of the flood fors 5 yet in twenty years it was
1832. Before finifhed, which happened in the
Chnft 516. fiXth year of Darius Hyjlafpes s
though far inferior to the temple of Solomon either
for extent or decoration, yet, being in the true So-
lomonian flyle, it was the finefl building upon
earth. The Sidonians were frank and liberal to¬
wards this work, as in the days of Hiram, bring¬
ing down cedar-planks in abundance from Libanus
to the fea-fhore, and from thence into the port of
Joppa, as they had been ordered firfl by Cyrus,
and after him by Darius. Here, alfo, the curi¬
ous craftfinen held Jlated and regular Lodges, as
in the days of Solomon, afTociated with the majler-
mafons, giving lectures, and ftrittly adhering to
good old ufages.
Year of the flood DariuS WaS a P™lCe of wifdom,
a8as. Before clemency, and juflice ; and hath the
Chrift 520. , , , . , , •
honour to have his name recorded in
holy writ for a favourer of God’s people, a refto-
rer of his temple, and a promoter of his worfhip
therein; he was blefled with a numerous ifTue, a
long reign, and great prolperity. In the time of