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20 The HISTORY Chap.Hi:
matter was, without queftion, the moft cunning,
fkilful, and curious workman that ever lived, whofe
abilities were not confined to building only, but
extended to all kinds of work, whether in gold, fil-
ver, brals, or iron ; whether in linen, tapeftry, or
embroidery ; whether confidered as an architeff,
ftatuary, founder, or defigner, feparately or toge¬
ther, he equally excelled. From his defigns, and
under his direction, all the rich and fplendid fur¬
niture of the temple, and its feveral appendages,
were begun, carried on, and finiftied. Solomon
appointed him, in his abfence, to fill the chair, as
deputy grand matter; and in his prefence, fenior
grand warden, matter of work, and general over-
feer of all artifts, as well thofe whom David
had formerly procured from Tyre and Sidon, as
thofe Hiram ftxould now fend. The fellow-crafts
were ordered to be partitioned into Lodges, of a
certain number, with a matter and wardens in each,
to be duly paid, fed, and clothed, and to take care
of their fucceffion : thus a lafting foundation was
laid of perfect harmony, love, and friendlhip ; each
knew his peculiar bufmefs and duty, and grand
defign was vigoroutty purfued. The alliance be¬
tween thefe wife and learned princes ended only
with their lives.
Dius, the hiftbrian, tells us, that the love of
wifdom was the chief inducement to that tender-
nefs of friendlhip betwixt Hiram and Solomon ; that
they interchanged difficult and myfterious que-