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berty and poffeflions, that he forgot him-
felf as in retirement: he got his equipages
ready *, and propofing to accompany his
friends in their expedition, he was extremely
aftive in levying troops to join them. A
few days only pafled, when they received
a courier from Malcolm, to let them knew,
that the Duke of Northumberland, with
the van of the Englijh army, was advanced
as far as Halifax in Torkjhire, and was pro¬
ceeding to Lancajier, where he would halt
two days, to wait the jundtion of their
friends in thefe parts ; thence pafs through
Cumberland, make another halt at Carlijle
for three days, and then Scotland with.
all poflible expedition. Upon this intelli¬
gence, the generous Edmund, the Thanes
of Argyle and Glamt:, Lorn, Killibarren,
and Mr. Hamton, were all accoutred, and
ready, at the head of about 400 men, to
march to join their friends at Lancajier.
The Thane of Angus, notvvithftanding all
entreaties, and that every one of the com¬
pany was now become as fincerely his
friend, as they had formerly been the re¬
verie, would by no means be prevailed
with to undertake a lhare in the enterprrze.
He faid, that although their condefcen-
dance for him had induced them to excufe
his adminiftration in Scotland, that the peo¬
ple in general of that country would not