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family 1 O my country ! O my bleeding
country! Are all hopes of thy redemption
thus paft away ? It muft not be; that crown
which the daftard fon of Duncan confefies
himfelf unworthy to wear, may well be an
additional ornament to the brow of the more
meritorious Edward! I go about it; he
fhall be invited to conquer, and to enjoy it.
Macduff appeared ready to abandon him;
but Malcolm, fully fatisfied of the Thane’s
fmcerity, caught hold of him ; Stay, my
dear Thane, faid he, (lay, thou pattern of
loyal patriotifm; forgive the trial I have
made of thy fidelity, which thou haft fo
well proved by that indignant paftion which
the fuppofed frailties, even of the man you
defire to make your ibvereign, has infpired
you with ! How different yours from the
fycophantifh behaviour of thofe emifiaries
employed to feduce me by Macbeth? the
more villainous I could reprefent myfelf to
them, the more they courted me, the more
they counted me fit for the vile purpofes of
a proftituted government: it was therefore,
my dear Macduff, that I was afraid of every
temptation that was prefented to me to re¬
gain my country ; it was therefore that I
arraigned myfelf as a wretch under the do¬
minion of fuch vicious principles, as my
honeft foul Ihuddered within me at the bare
mention of! But 1 am convinced; it is not
T 2 the