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be fo preffino; with me to a flu me the regttl
authority, if you was better acquainted
with my native difpoiitions. Let me not
deceive you then, but fairly confefs, that
the fame vices which have already been the
ruin of many kings, luft and avarice, are
too predominant in me, not to defeat the
very purpofes you expe<5t from me. It is
true, that my want of power, and the pri¬
vate condition I have lived in, have fo
greatly reftrained the exertion of them,
that the world think more favourably of
me than I defervej but was I to be cloathed
with kingly power and uncontroulable au¬
thority, the reins which at prefent are a
check upon thefe vices, would be loofened,
and my hearkening to your importunities
on this head, might more probably involve
us in greater miferies, than reftore to you
and the country that tranquillity you hope
for.” Macduff wondered ; but calmly ob-
ferved. That the firft ftep towards refor¬
mation, was to have a fenfe of thofe errors
which were apt to mifguide us; that a
rambling defire for women was natural to
the moft of young men, but was often con¬
quered by the more folid and agreeable plea-
fures that were to be found in the arms of
a well chofen companion for life ; that the
more unmanly lull of avarice had been often
propagated by the apprehenfions of want,
T the