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of the pockets a round piece of (late, I
imagined I obferved fbme characters wpon
it; I afked her what it was, and defired
her to fhew it me; fhe told me Ihe knew
not what it was, Ihe had found it in the
pocket after the gentleman, who pafied for
a woman at their hut, was gone, and that
fhe had kept it ever fince; Ihe gave it me,
and a precious jewel it was ; See here, fays
fhe, taking it from her fnowy bofom, you
can trace the gravings of “ I/abella's K,
lives, and will only live for heu!” O the
comforting, the reviving impreflion ! O the
powerful medicine ! How wonderfully has
it recovered my almoft extinguifhed facul¬
ties ! It is, Madam, to the power of that
balm, that I have been enabled to move
this far; and in confequence of this little
billet, ferved up to me in a bafket of fome
fruit, I have fome faint hopes of meeting
this evening the only objedt of my cares.
Be not then, dear Madam, fufpicious of the
virtue of Ifabella j her foul never orce was
fufceptible to a tainted fentiment! She
was proceeding, when their ears were at¬
tracted by the fteps of fome body approach¬
ing. The eager Ifabella, entertaining no
other idea than of her long abfent Killi-
barren, gave the fignal to her companion
to withdraw •, but how miferably was fhe
alarmed, when, in place of the moft ami¬