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an inftance of bafenefs, as he had hardly
ever met with before; or whether it was
avidity to have the touching of the advo¬
cate’s treafures, I fliall not take upon me
to determine-, but juftice, for this time, ex¬
erted itfelf even in the hands of a tyrant:
he regarded the trembling Bernard with an
eye of piercing indignation; afked him,
how he dared to infult Majefty, by offering
to corrupt it by the moft unexamped pro-
ftitution ? ordered him into immediate con¬
finement, and proclaimed a confiicatiOn of
all his eftate. How unfathomable are thy
ways, O Providence! Thus, from the
mouth of vice itfelf, that it might gratify
its own rapacity, was oppreffed innocence
relcued, and avarice and proftitution ck-
fervedly punifhed.———But alas. Madam,
(continued Ifabella) my diftrefs has not
ended with the advocate’s punifhmcnt:
The no lefs abandoned, though younger.
Calendar, having hearkened attentively to
the difcourfe of Bernard while before the
King, became immediately a vifitor at my ,
father’s houfe; and fo effectually gained
upon my mother, that his addreffes, (till
more daring than the advocate’s, were fa¬
voured by her: that villain Calender, to
whom, amongft many other barbarities, is
imputed an acceflion to the rape of Inetta,
and murder of her brother, as well as the