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been born in a more perfe<5t reigri, you
fhould not have been confined to this houfe,
and I fhould not have had the pleafure of
lb agreeable a- companion,, nor of hearing
the hiltories of thofe lb much better times
than tbtfe we live in.
‘ After this manner were my juvenile
hours paffed away in reciprocal amulement
with the endearing Eugenia -, and as fhe ad¬
vanced towards the years of puberty, her
imelledluals keeping, pace with the beauti-
fulnefs of her form, betokened every thing
that was lovely; and few years gave me
fuch a forcible proof of her capacity to bids
the objedt of her efteem with the mod pe¬
netrating teftimonies of exalted friendfhip,
as commanded an approbation of both fen*
timent and figure, that neither time nof
cireumftances can ever be able to difiblvr.
*■ There was an arbour elevated in one of
the corners of our garden, which was con¬
trived to overlook a frequented public walkj
there, as I could, unfeen myfelf, both fee
and hear the company as they aired in this
walk, I generally diverted an hour’s time
of an evening, fometimes in the defireable
converfation of my dear Eugenia, and fome¬
times alone. Upon- one of my folitary
evenings, all the company having juft re¬
tired from the walk, and I ready to follow
their example, was delayed from my pur-
R a pole