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Tn the fame place, as there were but few
days paffed, but fome or other of the court
Ipies were traverfing the country.
‘ We continued our flight the next and
following day, and then made towards the
Mull of Galloway \ and, as Providence
kindly ordered it, we had juft got on board
our fmall bark when the Tyrant’s purfuers
arrived on the beach, and, in our light,
feized our horfes, and, to the forrow of us
all, the faithful fervant who had been fo
ufeful in our efcape. We fet fail immedi¬
ately, intending to fteer firft for Ijla, in
order to make the noble Thane of Argyle
a partner in our efcape; but the wmd not
ferving, and ftill fearing to be chaced, we
were obliged to obey the winds, and to
make for the Englijh coaft dire&ly. No¬
thing extraordinary happened in our pafiage,
until we came within fight of this friendly
Chore, where we have enjoyed a fympathy
and prote&ion equal to the uoblenefs of
thofe fouls which bellow it.’
Angus having thus finilhed his narration,
the venerable Glamis embraced him in tears
of reconciliation, fadly interrupted with the
fwelling fighs which rofe upon the thoughts
of his diftrelled country. The generous
.heart of Edmund, and the others prefent,