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her, that on that occafion he would only
mention love with great delicatenefs. To
pleafe him, I went out tp call her, but find¬
ing fhe was not in the houfe, I walked with
him into the garden •, and after a variety of
turns, we at laft difcovered her very ferious
with young Lorn at fight of whom the
King fell into a moft violent fury: W hat,
fays he, do you nurfe up that young rebel,
who breathes only by my indulgence, to
be a bar to my enjoyments ? ’Tis enough;
I will foon put an end to that rivalfhip :
So faying, he flung out of the garden with
fuch aggravation in every feature, as fuffi-
ciently indicated, that the execution of fome
dreadful purpofe would foon follow. He
immediately let guard upon my houfe ; lb
that I now feeing we had not a moment to
lofe, I madefaft every gate and door; and
retiring, with Lorn and Eugenia, to the moft
detached part of the houfe, and having
filled our pockets with as much gold, and
as many jewels as we could carry, we let
ourfelves down by a ftool, flung conveni¬
ently with ropes, from a back window,
from whence, unfeen and unfufpedtcd, we
could get into a ftable-yard ; and thence,
with one trufty fervant only, taking four of
my beft horfes, we rode, with all hafte, to¬
wards the Highlands. As the fervant was
well acquainted through the muirs, and