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way, and but one left, to fave the lives of
her children, and her hulband’s pofleflionsv
and that was, to comply inftantly, and
gratify the pafiion Ihe had kindled in him!
She kneeled! Ihe teared! fhe expoftulated
with all the energy of affii&ive lenfation l
It was all in vain! In vain did Ihe plead
her admitting him into the caftle as a rela¬
tion, as her friend, and as her King ! in
vain did Che urge every abufc of hofpitality,
and the unkingly manner by which he
offered to violate its laws. In fine, having
affumed a firmnds which ever accompa¬
nies determined virtue, fhe told him Ihe
valued her fortune, Ihe loved her children*
and (he revered her hufband, and yet, bid
him know that fhe prefered her honour to.
all! The unfeeling tyrant laughed in ridi¬
cule, ordered her two children to be
mtirdered in her eye fight, and then com¬
manding that (he fhould be bound and car¬
ried into her bed-chamber ! he followed,
and there, after having committed the
moft execrable ravifhment that ever man
but himfelf could dare the commiffion of,
that he might put an end to her agonized-
groans, he alfo ordered herfelf to be
murdered ! He next proclamed Macduff a
traitor, forfeited his eftates, and pro¬
hibited corrcfpondence with him on pain of
death and ccnhication!‘
‘ Qi*