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C 164 )
6an find a vefiel to proceed to Ha, we may
all have the happinefs, with himfelf, of
felicitating one another in the reftoration-
of one of the belt of men !
‘ Lorn was ftruck with unutterable joy,
in the hopes of one day embracing that
author of his being, whom he had for fo
long a time imagined had no exiftence!
The venerable Glamisy as if enchanted, ex-
prefied a gladnefs through every ftriking
feature ! Now Angus, faid he, you have by
this one mafterly ftroke of management
walked clean every imputed ftain from
thy adminiftration ! and at this moment I
find myfelf as prone to interpret with fa-
vourablenefs, every tranlattion of your
miniftry, as before 1 ftigmatized them as
infamous and diabolical ! and, now, my
dear friend, added he, proceed in your re¬
lation ; until now, I liftened to you with
fufpicious attention; to the fequel, I fhall
hear you with confidence and pleafuje.
‘ This fuppofed deftru&ion of Argyle,
continued Angus, fixed me fo firmly in the
good graces of the tyrant (for fuch was
he now become) that every diffidence of
me was baniffied; and it was by that
means that young Lorn was fo abfolutely
left in my direction ; I promifed to Mac¬
beth that I would train him up in fuch prin¬
ciples, as fhould be the moft agreeable to