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by other means y that I knew that Argyle's
fon, the young horny was privately enter¬
tained at an aunt’s houfe, not very remote;
and I advifed, that Lorn fhould be forth¬
with taken into cuftody, and then a frefh
proclamation ifllied, that unlels Argyle,
within a fixed time, did furrender, and
anfwer to his accufation, that his fon fhould,
at the expiration of the fummons, be made
a public facrifice! This propofition he
greedily approved, and I thereby had the
good fortune to re-eftablifh myfelf in his
confidence. Lorn was immediately feized
upon, and according to my wifh, was
committed into my cuftody. The pious
father, in confequence, furrendered in a few
days thereafter. The King, after having
examined him himfelf, and endeavouring
in vain to pump out of him a full difcovery
of the fecret purpofes of his enemies, re¬
commended a fecond examination by me,
hoping, that through the power of that
friendfhip that had long fubfifted between
us, I might draw from him, in confidence,
a difcovery which the King could not efi'edt.
I undertook the talk; but guefiing that the
Kin^ would conceal himfelf, fo as to be
within hearing, I managed the conference
fo dextroufly, that while I gained upon
Macbeth's opinion of my fidelity to him, I
ftirred up the higheft indignation againlf