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tiicir attendance from court, awakened
fearful apprehenfions in the King, who
had, hy corrupting their domefticks and
others who had belt accefs to their privacies,
procured intelligence of almoft every con-
verfation they held. He ilfued a procla¬
mation requiring their attendance, on pre¬
tence of affifting in the affairs of govern¬
ment •, a few appeared, but many more
excufed themfelves and continued in re¬
tirement : at length he dispatched public
melfengers with armed force, to apprehend
thofe againft whom he had the cleareft
proofs of having Scandalized him; and as
many as were found out, were brought to
Perthy where they underwent a form of
trial, were convidted of dilbbedience, of
undutiful and feditious difcourfe, and capi¬
tally condemned. Some days previous to
their execution, I took an opportunity to
expoftulate with him upon the Severity of
the meafures he was purfuing; he turned
fhort upon me; ha! laid he, is it fo, and
is Angus alfo my enemy ? that is more
than I feared ! but know. Thane ! that as
there is no other choice left me, but either
to fall myfelf, or to rid the kingdom of
thofe fecret enemies who are daily forming
cabals againft me, I am refolved to finilh
my work, and not be the tame depen¬
dant upon their fmiles or frowns that my