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partner of his foul, his firft confident, and
fincere friend ! He thank’d the council for
the refentment they were willing to Ihew
to the indignity offered to his honour ; but
hoped, as the injury was pointed chiefly
againft himfelf, they would allow him to
difpenfe with any mark of infamy intended
to be done upon the corpfe, and permit
that it might be decently interred : This
well affedted clemency, had any fufpicions
got place, would have gone fome length to
banifh them, for it wrought greatly in
Macbeth's favour.
‘ How foon the Council rofe, the noble
Argyle who was a near relation to the
mother of Inetta, went diredtly to Bancho's
houfe in order to carry condolence to his
for. and filter: The melancholy Inetta had
fhut herfelf up to ruminate over her dif-
trefsful condition ; having ordered admit¬
tance to be refufed to every body, except¬
ing only Argyle^ to whom fhe was refolved
fully to unbofom herfelf; fhe did fo ac¬
cordingly ; but it is impoffible to give you
any fort of copy of the original defeription
which the venerable Argyle gave me of the
affedting pidture he beheld in the dejedted,
defponding Inetta! He then arranged every
circumftance relating to the two families
•fince the hour of Macbeth’s firft declara¬
tion of love to Inetta j and from the whole