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and the honour of prefering Kim to the
Queen’s bed was undoubtedly unexampled,
but withal he faid, it was an honour of i'uch
an extraordinary nature, and charged with
fuch hazards in the execution, that for his
loul he could not tell how he Ihould mufter
up a fufficiency of aflurance, to make a
tender of his perfon, to a Queen whom he
had never approached but with venera¬
tion. Macbeth bid him be perfectly eafy
on that fcore •, that every thing fhould be
fo conducted, as that he fhould enjoy the
plealure, or perform the duty, which ever
he chofe to think it, without the expence
of one blufh. In fine ; Bancho at laft, tho’
very reluctantly, promifed to be at the
King’s difpofal, and to proceed in the
affair as he fhould be by him directed.
‘ Macbeth now haftens to greet his Lady
with the fuccefs, and to remind her of the
promife to accomplifh his fruition in the
confequence: She had already prepared
for the event, in her imagination, ever fer¬
tile in mifchiefs ! An aniverfary feftival was
at hand, fhe plans the execution of her
dire intent for that night. In the interval,
the King having aflumed a more regular
and eafy appearance, than had been ob-
ferved for fome days paft; and having
commanded even his looks, from betray¬
ing any fymptons alarming to Inetta: