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C 1-35 )
fweet kifles, which fhe had very ill will to
part with •, fhe thinks me, I fuppofe, too
old for fuch favours ! Inetta imagining,
with juftice, that the Queen would load
her hufband with reproaches for the violent
freedom' he had taken, waited, with anxi¬
ous impatience, for her reply-, but how
greatly was fhe aftonifhed to hear the Queen
obferve, that Inetta was but young at
court, elfe fhe would put a higher value
upon the kifTes of a King; efpeciajly, ad¬
ded fhe, when lb innocent, my Lord, as I
ftippofe your’s to have been •, a little Pla¬
tonic love from a King, is what the molt
fcrupulous lady may admit of!—And all
other love, replied Macbeth^ being yout;
due, my Queen, I flattered myfelf, that
neither you nor Inetta would difapprove of
a little harmlefs amufement.
‘ ! like not, anfwered Znetta, to play
with- even the preliminaries of love, which,
although perhaps not criminal in them-
felves, will be interpreted otherwife by the
world f the King’s Platonic addreffes 1 fhall
hot prefume to judge of •, but as the warmt h
with which he enforced them, was of that
nature, that I fhould have relented with
indignation, had they been offered by
the greateft fubjedt of the kingdom -, fo
even from the King they have left ftich an
knpreflion upon me, that however dutf-
N 2 fully