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to the aflafTination executed that night upon
the King, and to load Macbeth* or rather
Lady Macbeth* with the whole odium of it,
yet it was as ftrenuoufly afferted on the
other band, that by whofoever orders the
perpetrators of the maffacre were employed,
yet that fuch of them as were obferved to
be (kulking near the houfe that evening,
were known to be dependant upon Bancho:
and if Macbeth could be believed, he inva¬
riably affirmed to me, that it was a projedb
concerted, without his knowledge, between
his wife and Bancho. Be that as. it may,
(for the truth has not, to this hour, Come
to light) the affaflins performed their bloody
bufinefs with determinednefs and cruelty:
they made their way into Duncan's bed¬
chamber in the middle of the night, thro* the
blood of the few guards, and every domeftic
that attended upon him; and fo inlignifi-
cant was he become in the efteem of his
fubje&s, that the murderers retired in the
morning, made their efcape without the
leaft difcovery, nor was there afterwards
any fort of inquiry fet on foot to bring them
to light.
‘ The news of Duncan's death arriving
at Perth* Macbeth and Bancho had a preli¬
minary conference together : they fent for
me, and gave me initruftions to examine
the meflengers who had brought: the ac-
L counts