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( 104
caufe of my apprehenfions. We all know
that there has been a motion made to ap¬
point the young Malcolm to the goyernment
of Cumberland: I imagined 1 had a right to
offer my fervice, as one of his tutors or a£-
fiftants in that government: I propofed
myfelf to the King, the firft boon I had
ever perfonally afked of him j but how
greatly was I aftonifhed, when, in return for
all the fuccefsful aftions of my life, I was
coolly told, that that momentous matter
was to be directed by a nobleman of the
neighbouring kingdom, by Sibert Duke of
Northumberland! The confequences of
placing fuch an important government, lo
contiguous, fo neceffary to England, and
which has been fo long the envy of it, into
the hands of a powerful Engiijb nobleman,
is too obvious to Hand in need of any ex¬
planation. I have difcharged my confcience
of the weight that has lain upon it fince the-
hour I ftood alarmed at fuch a propofal. I
leave the remedy with you : and although
J will concur in no meafure to the perfonal
prejudice of my Sovereign, or his family,
I will neverthelefs concur in every meafure
that may better fecure the honour, liberty
and independency of this kingdom
Caithnefs, confcious that he was pointed at,
rofe up; and endeavouring to vindicate the
King on the fubjeft of his application to