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C 97 )
"by himfelf, tong before the ftory of the witch-
es was ever heard of; and I now confider it
te have been nothing elfe than the efiedts
of his perpetual thoughts, which incited
him to form fuch a dream, to the end that
he might obferve the impreffions which
thefe epithets carried with them upon the
minds of thofe who heard them.
‘ I am, venerable Glamis, (continued
Angus) the more particular in recaphulat-
tng thefe circumftances, that, although you
was not altogether a ftranger to them, yet,
as your difap probation of the me aid res of
all parties, difpofed you, even at that period,
to court retirement, and as you could re¬
ceive information from none, but who, in¬
fluenced either by the one faction or the
other, would reprefent them under fuch
falfe colours as were moft for the advantage
of the party they leaned to; fo, now that
I am no doubt divefted of every temptation
to ^partiality, and had better accefs than al-
moit any other perfon to know the feveral
movements, you will probably be the bet¬
ter enabled to form an ufeful judgment up¬
on the whole. Glamis approved, and
Angus proceeded.
‘ It was about the time I laft fpoke of,
that you may recoiled:, there intervened
That third party to whom you was inclined
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