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had fo long retarded their junction; upon
which he immediately made a motion, as
if to advance againft them with his whole
force: this motion, however, he executed
with great deliberation, as he intended it
only to procure a farther profpeft of their
increafmg confuflon, and to give the better
opportunity for delerters to come in. Kym-
win having now joined him, he forme,d a
plan of extending part of his forces alongft
the fkirts of the ifland, to prevent the heads
of the cabal from efcaping by fea, in cafe
they fliould, when hard drove, think of
fuch an attempt •, whilft he, with about no
more than 1000 chofen men, continued to
march flowly after the chief body of rebels.
This plan had an excellent effect; it cut off
all hopes from the Rebels of any reinforce¬
ments •, it not only prevented all hopes of
efcaping, but the detached parties inter¬
cepted, for the ufe of his own troops, fuch
provifions as Macduald had commanded to
be brought from the contiguous fmall
iflands; and there was an opening every
where for the difcontented of the infurgents
to join the royal party at pleafure; and in
fa<5l, the defertion from the Rebels was fo
great, that Macduald was not now above
800 ftrong: with thefe, who were chiefly
kinfmen, or altogether dependants on him-
felfj he judged it in vain to rifk a battle-.