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did not a little perplex our hero; and to
prevent any bad effe&s of it, he judged it
highly expedient to renew his vifits to the
fair, enraged Anabella : he had admittance,
but was received with fuch fevere, juft, and
well-feafoned reproach, as greatly difcon-
certed him : he trufted fo entirely to the
pafiionate feelings he knew Anabella to en¬
tertain for him, that he thought he had
only to revive in her, by his prefence and
carefles, thofe flames which he flattered
himfelf were yet unextinguilhed, and there¬
by lay afleep all her menaced refentment;
but Anabella had fo well fortified herfelf
againft the force of his expected artillery,
that the talk was much more difficult than
he imagined. In vain did he renew pro-
feffions of love, and even of fidelity: Ihe
continued, in appearance, unmoved, and
treated his advances to embrace her with
that difdain which they deferved. A newly
aftumed determinednefs and dignity which
ftie put on upon that occafion, fo different
from what he conceived her gentle difpofi-
tion to be capable of, as if fhe had been a
new objeft, a&ually infpired him with a
new paffion for her, and made him wifh
for the moment that fhe had been daughter
to the Thane of Rofs. This new-raifed
flame of his was not unperceived by Ana¬
bella * and thofe well experienced .emotions