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auriculas, also double daisies, double camomile,
violets, London-pride, thrift, hepaticas, gentian-
ella, saxifrage, heart’s-ease, lily of the valley, and
other low-growing fibrous-rooted plants.
Propagating Roses and other Shrubs by Suckers.
Transplant suckers of roses; it is by suckers,
from the root, that most sorts of these shrubs are
increased; these being digged up carefully with
roots, will make good plants in one or two years’
time, and most of them will flower next summer.
Lilacs are also generally increased by suckers,
which shrub seldom fails to yield every year
. plenty; and these’ may, now, or at any time in
winter, when the weather is mild, be taken up
and planted out in rows.
Many other shrubs are also raised by suckers
from the roots, and this is now a proper time to
transplant the suckers of all such sorts.
Seedling Floaters.
Remove now all the boxes or pots of seedling
flowers to a warm situation.
Let these be placed where they can have the
full sun all winter, and where shielded from cold
and cutting winds.
These pots, boxes, or tubs, should also be now
cleared with great care from weeds.
The beds of seedling bulbs should also, at this
time, have good attention; let all the weeds be
taken out with particular care; then get some