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Where any of the above plants furnish strong
bottom off-sets from the root, they may be de¬
tached and planted in a shady border, giving
proper waterings.
Transplant the Seedling Auriculas and
Transplant the seedling auriculas which were
sown last autumn, or early in the spring, as also
the polyanthuses that were sown in the spring
season; for it is now time to move them out of
the seed-bed.
Choose a spot for them, well defended from the
mid-day sun. Let the ground be very neatl}
dug; rake the surface even, and immediately
put in the plants.
Let them be planted about four inches asunder,
each way, observing to close the earth very well
about them; and let them be gently watered.
They must after this be kept clear from weeds,
and in dry weather should be moderately water¬
ed every two or three days during the summer
Take up Bulbous Roots.
Take up bulbous roots where necessary to be
done. Many sorts will now be past flowering
and their leaves will be decayed, and may then
be taken up in order to separate the off-sets from
the principal roots; such as crown imperials,
lilies, bulbous irises, and narcissuses; some late