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This is a perennial plants with scaly bulbous
articulate roots and ternate obcordate leaves;
the flowers appear in April and May, and are of
a pale-green colour, rising Singly from the root.
The leaves form a grateful addition to salads,
and communicate an agreeable relish to dishes of
Propagation and Culture.
The plant delights in a moist soil and shady
situation, and is propagated by dividing the roots,
and that any time in the former part of summer.
By cropping the herb of a part of its foliage two
or three times in the season, a supply of young
leaves will be obtained from April to October.
This is an annual plant with large leaves, the
stems hollow, and, when allowed to produce
flowers, rises from two to three feet high. This
is a diecious plant; that is, the flowers are male
and female on distinct plants. The male flowers
are produced in long terminal spikes, and the
females close to the stalk at every joint.