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should be sown in the latter end of January, or
beginning of February. From this time, or the
latter end of February, sowings for successional
crops should be made every ten days or a fort¬
night, till the end of May, as well the White and
Red Turnip-rooted as the Spindle-rooted kinds.
Some of the winter sorts, as the White Russian,
White Spanish, and Black Spanish, should be
sown at different times from the beginning of
June to the end of August, to provide a supply
for autumn and to stand the winter.
Each sort should bo sown separate, either in
drills or broad-cast, considering the latter the
best, and for a bed four feet and a half wide by
twelve long, two ounces of seed will be required.
They should never stand too thick, as that tends
to make the tops ran and the roots stringy. The
seed should be well raked in, full half an inch
deep, being careful not to leave any on the sur¬
face to attract the birds, as they frequently find
it soon enough to do considerable mischief. If
sown in drills, the drills should be half an inch
deep and three inches apart, for the Spindle-
rooted kinds; for the small Turnip-rooted, three-
quarters of au inch deep and five or six inches
row from row; and for the Black Spanish, six or
eight inches row from row, as it grows as large as
a middle-sized Turnip. When they are up and
have got into the first rough leaf, they must be
thinned out to from one to two inches apart, for
the Spindle-rooted kinds, and the Turnip-rooted
„ kinds to from two to six inches, according to the