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yellow colour. It was well known and much
esteemed in former times, as being a comforter of
the heart, but I think only in cases in which the
heart required but little comfort. It is yet con¬
sidered a valuable ingredient in broths and
soups, in which it is more pleasing to the eye
than to the palate.
There are several varieties; those commonly
cultivated are, the Single Orange-flowered; the
Single Lemon-flowered; the Double-flowered of
both varieties, and the Childing or Proliferous:
the three first are cultivated for the purposes
above mentioned, and the latter one to look at.
The seed may be sown any time from Septem¬
ber to April, if the weather will permit. It may
be sown either broad-cast or in drills a foot apart,
and the seed raked evenly in; and when it is
come up a few inches high, they must be thinned
to twelve or fifteen inches asunder, and those
plants so taken out may be transplanted to ano¬
ther compartment if required. They will con¬
tinue flowering from July to putumn, during
which time a store should be gathered when in
full flower, and spread to dry out of the sun, and
put in paper bags for winter use. The flowers, if
left on, will, produce plenty of ripe seed in au¬
This is a plant well known in this part of the
country, (Nottinghamshire,) under the fictitious
name of Sweet Mace,