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should be prepared in the autumn by trenching
three feet deep, leaving the trench at last open
till spring. In February procure the sets; these
should be the c Wrongest crowns or leading buds
from old plants, and about an inch long; then
begin at the end where the trenching was left
off, and level the bottom of the open trench, and
plant the sets nine or ten inches apart each way,
with their crowns upright; then dig another
trench two feet wide, as in the common way of
trenching, turning the earth into the first trench
over the row of sets, and then plant another row,
and so on till finished. The bed must be kept
clear from weeds all summer, and in autumn it
must be cleared of the leaves. The roots will be
fit to take up for use the following autumn; they
must be taken up by opening a trench at one end
of the bed to the bottom of the roots, so that
they may be taken up entire and sound, which
will be superior both in size and quality to most
Some roots should be dug up on the approach
of frost, and preserved in sand for use in winter,
when it would otherwise be made fast in the
This is a hardy ever-green under shrub, rising
from a foot and a half to two feet high; the