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tree handsome, a great bearer, and excellent
Old Golden Pippin.
Fruit small, roundish, and a gold yellow col¬
our; it ripens in October and continues till Feb¬
ruary; flesh Ann and sweet; the tree‘but a mid¬
dling bearer, but an excellent fruit, fit both for
the dessert and kitchen.
North’s New Scarlet.
The fruit middling size, round figure, of a gold
and pale-red colour; it ripens in October, and
continues till March; pulp firm and aromatic; a
vigorous growing tree, a middling bearer, but an
excellent fruit.
Wood’s New Transparent.
Fruit small and flat, and of a green and yellow
colour; ripens in October, and continues till
February; flesh firm and juicy; hardy tree, great
bearer, and excellent fruit.
Hollow-eyed Rennet.
Fruit small, flattish, and of a green-yellow and
russet colour; ripens in October, and lasts till
April; pulp firm and aromatic; tree small, a
great bearer, and much esteemed fruit.
Kernel Rennet.
Fruit large, angled, and of a deep red and
white colour; it ripens in October, and lasts till