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if««eived, [he ftrait ordered him to walk behind him,
f aoved by that magnanimity fo natural to him, which
i:ven hinder^ him from refleftingthat heexpofed his
iwn life to a manifeft danger to lave that of his fub-
' Lieven difeermng his mswr too late in having put
n iremarkable habit,Awh expofed alfo thofe that
' vere with him,^^' lear:ng equally for the king in
*ha, :r place h^Kvas, heQtated a while whether he
'Ugl • o obey him ; in the moment while this con-
1 =li laded, the king takes him by the arm, puts him-
, elf before him, and hides him; at the fame inftant
.:) cannon ball, which came in fiank, ftruck the ge-
icral dead upon that very rp >t which the king had
; iarce quitted. The ath ot .his man, killed direfi*
’ jr in his dead, and becaufe he haJ a mind to fave him,
ipntributfd not a little to confirm him in the notion
fever held ofnbfolute prededination, and m-Je him
iieve, that hie f’ate, which p;otefted him in fofin-
lar a manner, referved him for the execution of
1 keater things.
1 ; Every thing fucceeded with him, and his nego-
" iations and his arms were equally fortunate. He
jias in a manner prefent throughout all Poland ; for
is grand Marefchal Renchild was in the heart of
ji tofe dominions with a great body of the army. Near
1 lirty thoufand Swedes under different generals, dil-
‘ ierfed towards the north and the ead upon the fron-
icrs of Mufcovy, withdood the efforts of the whole
inpire of Ruffia ; and Charles was in the wed at the
ther end of Poland, at the head of the bed part of
Is troops.
‘: The king of Denmark, tied down by the treatyof
.ravendal, which his weaknefs hindred him from
* leaking, continued filent. The eletfor of Branden-
‘ ourg who had acquired the title of king of Prufiia,
' dthout any increafe of power, durd not exprefs his
' ifgud at feeing the king of Sweden fo near hisdoml-
ions. His grandfather had been deprived of the