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Hw for the rafhnefs of their refinance, by railing
WPthem excelllve contributions.
He departed from Cracow in the full refolution of
urfuing Auouftus without inte"nifrion ; but within
>me mile,
oke his thigh.
Cracow, whe
eeks in the hai
ave Augultus
fell under him, and
iiged to carry him back
mfined to his bed for fix
!Ts furgeons. This accident
breathe a little. He cauled it
nmediately to be fpread throughout Poland and Ger-
i iiany, that Charles XII. was killed by his fall. This
i|fe report.which was credited for fome time,(iiled all
i Sens minds with aftonifiiment and uncertainty. In
! rjis fmail interval be alfembles all the orders of the •
t ingdom at Mariembourg, and then at Lublin, who
: ad before been called together to Sendomir.
In the mean time Charles XII. recovered of his
. (found, and overturned all before him. Always fixt
i p his refolution of forcing the Poles themfelves to de*
ti Jirone their king, by the intrigues of the cardinal pri-
t pate, he cau'ed an aflembly to b. called .ogcther at
I t7'^rfavv to oppofe that at LuWin. His ijoneralsre-
| [Rented to him that the adair might thus be pro-
i ^adted to a tedious length, %pd at length vanifhm de-
1 pys ; that during this time the Mufcovites were d tily
j{; ngagingwith the troops he had left behind in Livonia
f »nd Ingria, and that the event was not always favour-
i lible to the Swedes, and that his prefence there in all
trobability would very foon becomeneceffstry. Charles,
ho was as fteady in the execution of his projefts, as
t se was brilk in his adlions, anfwered, though I were
j \o flay here fifty years, I would not leave the place till I
had dethroned the king of Poland.
I | Having augmented his vidlorious troops with fix
; thoufand horfe ap'd eight thoufand foot, which he re¬
ceived from Sweden, he marched againft the remains
j of the Saxon army he had beaten at Clillau, which had
I pained time to rally and recruit, Whilft his fall from
, bis horfe had confined him to his bed. This army