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AB her wit and charms were loft upoft fuch a man
$ the king pf Sweden, and he conftantly refufed to
ee her. Bnt as he frequently rede out to take the
dr, fhe refolved to fpeak to him upon the road.
\nd accordingly meeting him one day in a narrow
oad, (he alighted out of her coach, as foon as (he
aw him.. The king made her a low bow without
peaking one word to her, turned the bridle of his
torfe, and rode back in an inftant. So that the coun-
efs of Konifmar gained no other advantage from her
ourney, but the fatisfaftion of believing that the king
>f Sweden feared no body but her.
'■! The king of Poland was therefore obliged to throwf
imfelf into the arms of the fenate. He made them
ivo propofals by the palatine of Mariembourg ; the
ne that they ftiould leave to him the'difpolition of
he army of the republic, whom he would pay two
aarters advance out of his own revenue; and the
:her, that they Ihould allow him to bring twelve
fioufand Saxons back into Poland. The cardinal
jrimate gave an anfwer as fevere, as the anfwer of
i Oe king of Sweden. He told the palatine of Mari-
j mbourg in the native of the aflembly. That the}
i 'sere rejohid to fend ahtmbajfy to Charles XII. that
heir bufmefi novo was to reconcile the king with Poland
] Sweden) that it would be of no fervice to pay an
<1 Itny, which would not fight for him, without orders
■i 'am the republic ; andfor the Saxons, he would advife
i \m to bring none into Poland.
* ! The king in this extremity was defirous of preler-
j ng at leaft the appearance of the royal authority..
.) ?e fent one of his chamberlains to Chailes, to know
: F him, where and how his Swedifh majefty would
. iceive the embalfy of the king his mafter and of the
tpublic. They had unhappily negletfed to demand
j i pafs-port for his chamberlain to the Swedes. And
te king of Sweden imprifoned him, inftead ofgiving
:m audience, and laid that he expedled to reoeivc