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I ot one good cannoneer in the whole army. An hun-
red and fifty cannon, which one would have thought
tuft have foon laid the little town of Narva in allies,
■i 'ere fcarce able to make a breach, whilft the artillery
if the town dellroyed every moment whole ranks
! i the trenches. Narya was almoit without fortifi-
, aliens, and Count Hoorn who commanded there,
ad not a thoufand regular troops; and yet this im-
, jenfe army was not able to reduce it in ten weeks,
i On the i yth of November, the Czar had informa-
ion that the king of Sweden, having crolled the fea
: yith two hundred tranfports, was upon his march
b relieve Narva. The Ssvedes were no more than
Wventy thoufand ; but the Czar had no advantage
•xcept fuperiority of number. Far therefore from def-
] »ifing his enemy, he employed all the art he had to
j ipprefs him; and, not content with an hundred thou-
I land men, he was getting ready another army to op-
?ofe him, and check his progrefs. He had already
|iven orders for near forty thoufand recruits, who
were coming upfromPlefcow, with great expedition.
He went inperfon to haften their march that he might
laem in the king between the two armies Nor was
;his all; a detachment of thirty thoufand men front
:he camp before Narva, were polled at a league’s
Ilance from the town diredlly in the king of Swe-
as road. Twenty thoufand llreletles were placed
ther off upon the fame road, and five thoufand o-
ers made up an advanced guard ; and he mull ne-
IFarily force his way thro’ the b. dy-of ail thefe
siops before he could reach the camp, which was
rt fied with a rampart and double The
ng of Sweden had landed at Pernaw in the gulph of
iga with about fixteen thoufand foot, and a few
ore than four thoufand horfe.
Fnqm Perniw he hid made a precipitate march 3s
r as Revel, followed hy alibis horfe, and only four
'o.ofind of hh foot. Rut he Hill kept on his march,
ithout waiting for the reft of his troops; and foon