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Thn ra -e* p'eai’d me unco wecl,
Loeh! they were grand to see ;
The horses ran so very fast,
I thought they maist did flee.
Gin they cam near the winning post,
They cam out wi’ loud hurrahs,
You’d thought the folks were a’ gane daft,
The queer folk o’ the Shaws.
Tol de rol, &o
Wi’ that a lass cam up to me,
And asked me for a gill,
Says I, if that’s the fashion here,
I mauna tak it ill.
So in we gangs into a tent,
She half-a-mutchkin ca’s,
Says I, my lass, I think it’s true.
There’s queer folk in the Shrws.
Tol de nol, &c,
The dram soon set my spirits up,
X thocht mysel in bliss,
I put my hand about her neck,
To steal a wee bit kiss.
When in a crack she draws her fist,
And hits me on the jaws,
Says I, my lass, I think it’s true,
There’s queer folk in the Shaws.
To « ’Cl, &*■
Wi* that a lad cam up to me,
And stole awa my lasr ;
Misoa'd me for a country loon i
A stupid silly ass.