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C02 buchan’s
Such is the catalogue of symptoms attending this
dreadful disease in its confirmed state. Indeed they
are seldom all to be met with in the same person, or
at the same time; so many of them, however, are
generally present as to alarm the patient; and if he
has reason to suspect the infection is lurking in his
body, he ought immediately to set about the expul¬
sion of it, otherwise the most tragical consequences
will ensue.
The only certain remedy hitherto known in Europe
for the cure of this disease, is mercury, which may
be used in a great variety of forms, with nearly the
same success. Some time ago it was reckoned im¬
possible to cure a confirmed lues without a salivation
This method is now, however, pretty generally laid
aside, and mercury is found to be as efficacious, or,
rather more so, in expelling the venereal poison, when
administered in such a manner as not to run off by the
salivary glands.
Though many are of opinion, that the mercurial
ointment is as efficacious as any other preparation of
that mineral; yet experience has taught me to think
otherwise. I have often seen the most obstinate
venereal cases, where great quantities of mercurial
ointment had been used in vain, yield to the saline
preparations of mercury. Nor am I singular in this
opinion. My ingenious friend, Mr. Clare, an emi¬
nent surgeon of this city, assures me, that for some
time past, he has employed, in venereal cases, a
saline preparation of mercury with most happy suc-
This preparation, rubbed with a sufficient quantity
of any mild powder, he applies in small portions to
the tongue, where, with a gentle degree of friction, it
is immediately absorbed, and produces its full effect
upon the system, without doing the least injury to