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304 buchan’s
wnere the liver adheres to the peritonccum, so as to
form a bag for the matter, and prevent it from falling
into the cavity of the abdomen; in which case
opening the abscess by a sufficiently large incision
will probably save the patient’s life. I know a gentle¬
man who has had several abscesses of the liver opened,
and is now a strong and healthy man, though above
eighty years of age.
If the disorder in spite of all endeavours to the
contrary, should end in a scirrhus, the patient must
be careful to regulate his diet, &c. in such a manner
as not to aggravate the disease. He must not
indulge in flesh, fish, strong liquors, or any highly
seasoned or salted provisions ; but should, for the
most part, live on mild vegetables, as fruits and roots ;
taking gentle exercise, and drinking whey, barley
water, or butter-milk. If he takes any thing stronger,
it should be fine mild ale, which is less heating than
wines or spirits.
We shall take no notice of inflammations of the
other viscera. They must in general be treated upon
the same principles as those already mentioned. The
chief rule with respect to all of them, is to let blood,
to avoid every thing that is strong, or of a heating
nature, to apply warm fomentations to the part
affected, and to cause the patient to drink a sufficient
quantity of warm diluting liquors.
The cholera morbut is a violent purging and vomit¬
ing, attended with gripes, sickness, and constant
desire to go to stool. It comes on suddenly, and is