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Who ruled supreme in righteousness ; or held
Inferior place, in steadfast rectitude
Of soul. Peculiarly severe had been
The nurture of their youth, their knowledge great,
Great was their wisdom, great their cares, and great
Their self-denial, and their service done
To God and man ; and great was their reward,
At hand, proportioned to their worthy deeds.
Breathe all thy minstrelsy, immortal Harp !
Breathe numbers warm with love, while I rehearse—
Delightful theme, resembling most the songs
Which day and night are sung before the Lamb!—
Thy praise, 0 Charity ! thy labours most
Divine, thy sympathy with sighs, and tears,
And groans ; thy great, thy godlike wish to heal
All misery, all fortune’s wounds, and make
The soul of every living thing rejoice.
Oh, thou wast needed much in days of Time!
No virtue half so much !—none half so fair !
To all the rest, however fine, thou gavest
A finishing and polish, without which
No man e’er entered heaven. Let me record
His praise, the man of great benevolence,
Who pressed thee closely to his glowing heart,
And to thy gentle bidding made his feet
Swift minister. Of all mankind, his soul
Was most in harmony with heaven : as one
Sole family of brothers, sisters, friends;
One in their origin, one in their rights