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Cec. Alas !
£>u. El. Remove thjft vuluVre from my fight; and fince
Death cannot reach him, the Star-chamber lhall
‘ Strip him of all his borrow’d plumes, and leave him
* As naked as he came into the world.’ [known,
Dav. Long may live, till Heaven at laft makes
The good that I’ve, fo ill-rewarded, done. [Exit.
£>u. El. ‘ Oh, take away thofe fad remains for ever !’
Thy duft (hall have a royal moriurhent;
High as thy ftiendfhip firall the marble rife.
And, with tfiWoul, thy tomb fhall reach the Ikies.
[They lake off DoWglas,
Cec. Oh, calm that bofom ! let no grief
Moleft your quiet fpirit in its god-like manfibh.
9u. El. Oh, Cecil, fhatll nbver be at reft l
We are but gaudy executiohefs at beft :
Fix’d to our crowns, we bear the galling weight
Of cenfuring fools, and flattering knaves of ftate ;
If we forgive, our pity is arraign’d.
If punifli, we with crimes are ftain’d.
In 1‘ome wild defart happier ’tis to reign
O’er wolves and tygers, than more cruel men.
Hence with vain glories 1 I’ll no more contend, ^
Truft not in greatnefs, nor bn cfoWns depend, i
When virtue is atotie bur fureft friend. J
[ Exeunt.
Enb of the Fifth Act.