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Behold your queens, btfth Scot and Englifti here;
Hear, thou wide ocean, hear, thy Albion queens:
Let my dread voice far as thy waves be heard.
From filver Thames to golden Tweed proclaim,
With harmony of drums and trumpets found,
Not me, not her alone, not one, but both ;
Sound Mary and Elizabeth your queens.
[Kettle-Drums and Trumpets found, and lent berc\
then all rife again from kneeling.
Qu. M. Oh, be lefs kind ! left Fate fliould fnatch my
And hoard them up for an immortal treafure, [j°ys»
‘ For they’re too great for mortal fenfe to bear.
* Qu. El. I do her wrong to keep her from gew joys:
‘ Each moment fliall beget, each hour bring forth
* Frelh pleafures, and rich welcomes, to delight her.
* Prepare her table, deck the bed of ftate,
* Let her apartment (bine with golden arras,
* Strew perfumes in her way fweeter than incenfe,
‘ Rare as the fun draws every morning up,
‘ And fragrant as the breath upon her lips;
* Soft rhulic found where e’er flie wakes or deeps,
‘ Mulic as fweet, harmonious, and as ftill,
‘ As does this foft and gentle bofom fill.’
Thus let us go, with hand in hand combin’d.
The white crofs with the red thus ever join’d.
England with Scotland diall no longer jar;
And Albany with Albion no more war ;
But thus we'll live, and walk thus every day,
Till from the verge of life w e drop away :
So have we feen two dreams, with eager pace,
Haften to meet, and lovingly embrace,
Making one current, as we m«ke one foul,
Till arm in arm, they in the ocean roll. [Exeunt,
End of the Third Act.