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Sof. I am fure I meant you no offence; for, if I 1
am not Sofia, I am the fon of a 'whore, for ought '
I know : and, if you are Sofia, you may be the fon. '
of a whore for ought you know.
Merc. What ever I am, I will be Sofia, as long- f
as lpleafe: and whenever you vilit me, you fliall
be fure of the civility of the cudgel.
Sof. If you will promife to beat me into the! if
houi’e, you may begin when you pleafe with me
but, to be beaten out of the houfe, at dinner time, f
ilelh and blood can never bear it.
([Mercury beats him about, and Sofia is fiill mak¬
ing towards the door: but Mercury gets be- '
twixt; and at length drives him off the ft age.
Phted. In the name of wonder, what are you,
chat are Sofia, and are not Sofia?
Merc. If thou would’ft know more of me, my *
perfon is freely at thy difpofmg.
Phced. Then I difpofe of it to you again: for f
^tis fo ugly, ’tis not for my ufe.
Merc. I can be ugly or handfome, as I pleafe: !
go to bed old, and rife young. I have fo many (t
fuits of perfons by me, that I can fltift them when
I will.
Pheed. You are a fool then, to put on your worfk ;
cloaths, when you come a wooing.
Merc. Go to: Aik no more queftions; I am for !
thy turn ; for 1 know thy heart: and fee all thou I
liall about thee.
Phasd. Then you can fee my back-ftde tboj i
there’s a bargain for you.-
Merc. In thy right pocket: let me fee— >
three love letters from judge Gripus, written to !
the bottom, on three fides^ full of fuftian paf-
lion and hearty nonfenfe : as alfo in the fame
pocket, a letter of thine intended to him ; confift- •
ing of nine lines and a half: fcrawl’d and fahe -