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Grip. I fhould be glad it were.
. Sof. How glad it were? with your damn'd inter¬
rogatories, when you ought to be thankful that fo
it is.
I Grip. \_Afide.'] That I may fee my miftrefs
fbaedra, and prefent her with my great gold
,: So/. If this be not the true Amphitryon, I with l
Jiuay be kept without doors, fading, and biting my
j own fingers for want of vi&uals; and that’s a dread¬
ful imprecation! I am for the inviting, and eating,
. pnd treating Amphitryon: I am lure ’tis he that is
, my lawfully begotten lord: and if you had an o.unce
j of true juftice in you, you ought to have laid hold
j on t’other Amphitryon, and committed him for a
i} rogue, and an impoftor, and a vagabond.
! [The door is opened; Mercury/root within.
Merc. Enter quickly, mailers: The palfage on
tlie right-hand leads to the gallery, where my lord
,j pxpedls you : for I am call’d another way.
’ I [Gripus, Tranio, and Polydas go into the boufe'
Sof. I fliould know that voice, by a fecret in-
‘ Hindi : ’tis a tongue of my family; and belongs to
jmy brother Sojia: it mull be fo; for it carries a
cudgling kind of a found in it. But put the
word : let me weigh this matter wifely : Here’s a
..beating and a belly-full: againd no beating, and
) .10 belly-full. The beating is bad; but the dinner
is good; now, not to be beaten, is but negatively
but, not to fill my belly is pofitively-bad.'; 1 ’
. Upon the whole matter, my final refolutiori'
is, to take the good and the bad as they come to-
sgether. [Tn entering: Mercury m^tj him at
the door.
‘ - Merc. Whither now, you kitchen-lkumm.? From
whence this impudence, to enter here without per-
' niliion ?